Xalt Youth Group

Youth Ministry

Tonight, the students will be watching an apologetics video on why the doctrine of Creation is so foundational for everything else in the Bible.  This is both a part of our Kingdom of God series, since we've spent so much time on the Creation account, as well as sort of an introduction to Biblical apologetics.  I want to help lay a foundation for the students to help prepare them to "make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15).  Hope you'll get them here!

Xalt Youth is a weekly group for the middle and high school students of Forrester Community Church.  We believe that those in our church in the youth ages shouldn't be relegated to a separate entity or with an unnecessary division or segregation from the rest of the church body, but rather a vital part of it, and we strive to build that into both the parents as primary disciplers of those in the youth, as well as in the youth themselves so they grow in understanding their role(s) in the body of Christ in healthy ways as they mature in their faith.  We don't view Wednesday nights as an event for parents to drop their kids off for Patrick or any of the youth leaders to be the primary discipler of their children, but would rather come alongside the parents in our church to serve them in ways to promote healthy and ongoing discipleship in the home, and then let Wednesday nights serve as an additional (though focused, certainly), mid-week Bible study, encouragement, and fun for them.  And we certainly also encourage our youth to invite friends (what a great way for some to hear the Gospel who may otherwise not) to come, but our aim is to focus first on our youth, and then strive for ways to help serve those who may come whose families aren't covenanting members of our church.

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