Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Older Elementary meet in the room behind the kitchen with Beth Cannon.  Tonight, the kids will do "LESSON 9: Rebuilding the Walls" in the Answers In Genesis curriculum, "Restoring God's Law."  The Key Theme is:  God uses people to accomplish His perfect plans.  The Key Passages are:  Nehemiah 1:3-7, 2:1-6, 2:17-18, 4:7-9, 4:16-20.  The Objective is:  Students will be able to identify examples of Nehemiah's reliance on God and describe the connection between trust in God and acting in faith.

Young Elementary meet in the room in the hallway with Paige Kierce.  Tonight, the kids will talk about how the Holy Spirit gives new life by looking at the example of Nicodemus. 

PreK and Kindergarten meet in the nursery rooms with Robin Hester and Tracy Hood.  Tonight, the kids will talk about how God is sovereign in all things and rewards faith and obedience.

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