Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Older Elementary meet in the room behind the kitchen with Beth Cannon.  Lesson:  Worshiping God (PART 2).  Theme: God's Word is the foundation for our lives. Key Passages: Malachi 1:6-8, 1:13-2:2, 2:7-9; Psalm 51:17. Objectives: Students will be able to describe the proper attitude of worship and explain the important role of teachers.

Young Elementary meet in the room in the hallway with Paige Kierce.  Lesson:  God reveals Himself to us.  Theme:  God reveals Himself to us through His Word and the world He made.  

PreK and Kindergarten meet in the nursery rooms with Robin Hester and Tracy Hood.  Lesson:  Exodus from Egypt. Theme:  God provides for the needs of His people. God is faithful to His promises.

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